Being a parent needn’t feel like an unending struggle. Specialist therapy for families with babies to help you grow to enjoy this time together

I have extensive experience, having worked as a Psychologist for twenty years and with children and families for the vast majority of that time in the NHS. I have spent over the last ten years either delivering or introducing parent-baby therapy to several different areas of London.
I am currently establishing the first ever Parent-Infant Psychotherapy Service in West London, in partnership with the Local Authority and The Reach Foundation.

I believe it is imperative that therapeutic help is available for you to help you overcome challenges you may face as a parent, supporting the demanding and invaluable task you have of raising your children.
This has led me to work in the fields of Child Mental Health, Perinatal Services (mental health services for families during pregnancy and up until children are two years old), Parent-Babies services and now to establish Help4ParentsandBabies, to try reach as many parents as possible who are in need.