As your baby gradually develops into a toddler, it signifies enormous changes in their development. Your toddler is now able to express their mind more clearly for you, what they like and don’t like becoming more apparent. Alongside this, can emerge a testing of the boundaries you provide…
Asking for help means admitting both to yourself and to other people that you cannot do this alone. It might be that growing up, you learnt to hide your vulnerability…
Imagination means permitting yourself to be curious in your own mind, to allow it to wonder. If you manage difficult emotion by doing your best to move it to one side or dismiss it, then allowing your mind to roam freely can be challenging, even threatening for you, as it poses the risk of these emotions surfacing…
Your baby’s ability to soothe themselves to sleep has to be learnt. In the first few months this is unlikely, although if you are able to put your baby down awake right from the beginning, it can often help things to go a lot smoother, but this might not always feel or be possible...
I wanted to write about an experience that many parents can have in regard to their baby’s sleep. This is of how you might feel when your baby is struggling to settle. To hear your baby cry, particularly at night can evoke strong emotion...
The types of experiences your baby has will go a very long way to determining the type of brain that they develop. As a result, the brain your baby forms will be unique to them, based on the very specific sets of experiences that they have, predominantly with you…
A secure attachment is possibly the single greatest determinant of your child’s future wellbeing. This is because research has shown that it is predictive of so many later outcomes, from how well they get on with others to academic success...