Do you feel as if your life with your baby is not what you hoped or imagined, that you find yourself resenting, or feeling distant from your baby? Are you finding it hard to enjoy time with your baby and long for the naps?

Parent-Infant Psychotherapy is designed specifically to support the development of a healthy relationship between you and your baby. This is worked towards by exploring and understanding the impact that you and your baby have upon each other.
PIP can help parenthood become an easier and more enjoyable experience and one in which both you and your baby thrive.
To learn more about PIP
Why is it so hard to cope when my baby cries?
The cries of your baby might feel as if they intrude right into you, shutting down your ability to think. You may almost feel panicked, attacked, or even as if your baby’s cry is an accusation, telling you that you are not getting it right…
Why do I find it hard to play with my baby?
Imagination means permitting yourself to be curious in your own mind, to allow it to wonder. If you manage difficult emotion by doing your best to move it to one side or dismiss it, then allowing your mind to roam freely can be challenging, even threatening for you, as it poses the risk of these emotions surfacing…
What does my baby need from me?
For a baby to grow up to be an independent adult, they need to have an experience of being safely dependent on someone...
How do I build a good relationship with my baby?
In this article, we will think about how you can help your baby to feel happy, safe and understood by you...